floating pod

New Beginnings

New Beginnings
It can be said, taking pride in our bodies may shape our entire character. If we are to examine this axiom, then what is to be found? Namely, any sort of disorganization, disease or discomfort found in the channels of our bodies will ultimately find its way to our minds, showing itself in our daily interactions with the world. We may then become disheartened, not wanting to participate in the totality of life, letting opportunities float away as quickly as they become revealed. If this were to continue over time, it is possible you may find yourself in a chaotic state of mind, unwilling to break the shackles of your own anxiety, slowly sinking into a pit of depression. Now, this may seem a bit dramatic when speaking about the simple remedy of daily exercise, but this small change in our daily routines can become an alarmingly important and profound cure for whatever ails us. As Socrates, the great Greek philosopher once said, “No man [or woman] has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man [or woman] to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his or her body is capable.” This idea of exercising daily is especially prevalent as we fully step into the new year.

As is most often the case, people find themselves making New Year’s resolutions to exercise more, become fit, and finally feel confident in their bodies. But this is always easier said than done. Motivation is a tricky temptress. As it lives outside of our realm, flickering on screens and floating in our thoughts, it can be difficult to make tangible. And with this difficulty, we often find ourselves sinking back into our old routines, eating habits, and exercise practices. Shame and doubt begin to move back into our lives, effecting our social interactions. Our body language changes to match this familiarity and people notice this, treating us as such. We slouch over, we avoid eye contact, and we decline offers for advancement. And ultimately our bodies become the exact expression of the character we have cultivated. Maybe then, what we need is not motivation. We can essentially let that idea slide away. To replace it, we need to become familiar with our own wills.

If we can change our ideas about motivation towards having the will to achieve what we set out to do, we will automatically become more powerful. Determination and will do not fluctuate. They are a resolute understanding that what we want to achieve must be done despite us not wanting to do them. We act, despite our feelings. And as a natural result of cultivating will, we attend regular exercise and begin to actively shape our character. We become confident creators of our destinies, not passive vessels swaying in the wind of whichever way the tides take us. This is critical to understand. Wherever disorganization or depression cultivates in our lives, it will most assuredly show itself in other areas. Time will be wasted, and our bodies will grow old, blossoming pain and regret on repeat. What we want is confidence and satisfaction with our bodies and in turn, with our minds, because this makes for a much better life. And the first step in changing the way we are is by changing the way we move.


Our FlowMotion classes offer participants unique exercise programs on the water to keep everyone excited and involved. The challenges met on the mat regarding balance, cardio and strength make for a complete overhaul in the way we move and see ourselves. Our instructors have seen it before. Class members will often start as shy and unassuming, unsure of whether they will be able to even climb atop the floating mat, let alone stand up. But as they overcome their self-doubt and they make their way onto the surface; confidence almost instantly blooms in their bodies and smiles spring onto their faces. Not only that, but subtle changes begin to show in their bodies as well.

Whether you choose the inward cultivation of yoga- practicing balance and breath on the water, or the outward development of bootcamp- where participants can expect to increase their cardio output and strength, students will notice their bodies being shaped into healthy expressions of their minds. Health, of course, is the key word. While our students bodies will naturally progress in aesthetic ways, what FlowMotion is about isn’t necessarily the superficial benefits of outward beauty, but the cultivation of a strong mind, a strong will, and a determination to succeed- which will ultimately be used in every facet of life, well into old-age. And that should be the aim of all exercise.

Taking pride in your body by eating healthy and getting daily exercise will shape a character you are proud of. By stepping onto a FlowMotion mat you are instantly connecting yourself to your body and the people around you in the class. The high level of challenge the water offers will boost your confidence as you progress and eventually this belief in yourself will emerge into almost every facet of your life. Therefore, exercise of your body, your single possession in this life, is of utmost importance. Let us help you cultivate the body you desire and by doing so, you will be able to create the strength of character which will catapult you farther in life, more than you can even imagine.
