Success is a relative term.
It can mean the smallest step, such as getting out of bed before your alarm clock chimes, or it can mean something larger, like making your first million dollars in your business. Clearly, there is a ton of room to interpret what we call success. And often, it can all depend on your personal definition and where you stand in this moment of your life. So, don’t be discouraged if you only see small successes and no larger ones. Often, the small victories lead to greater ones.
But what attribute is necessary to achieve such success? What can get us there faster, and almost guaranteed? Well, again, most people have their own ideas and interpretations. However, there may be one characteristic which can be said to be shared by all successful people:
The will to keep moving forward has, and always will be, a large factor in achieving what we call success. And no more is this attribute necessary than when trying a new physical activity.
The team at FlowMotion has become intimately involved with perseverance. We have seen its powers, witnessed first hand how the active will to keep going can fuel stepping stones, and have preached its power to almost every class we have been involved in.
Standing on a mat and performing complicated movements while balancing on the water can be a humbling experience. Newcomers can find themselves splashing alongside the mat instead of successfully standing on top of it. And this can lead to feelings of inadequacy, impatience, and an overwhelming sensation to give up on the activity.
We have seen this happen before.
But we have also witnessed those same class participants find the strength to climb back on top of the mat and try again. And then, what happens? Through their perseverance, they start to see small victories. Maybe, instead of falling in while trying to do a complicated move, they nail it. Then what happens? Their confidence grows and as a subsequent factor, their bodies become stronger, healthier, and their overall mood improves.
It can be an amazing transformation to witness.
And with this cultivation of perseverance, participants often take this new superpower to other areas of their lives. They find the will to keep going in their business dealings, their daily struggles with addictions, even in their parenting.
Before they know it, they are seeing small and large successes in every facet of their lives.
Now, we aren’t saying this is due totally to participating in a FlowMotion class. But, like any other muscle, the tissue of perseverance must also be cultivated. And that is what we are saying. A FlowMotion class can be the perfect way to keep moving forward. To keep challenging yourself and improving yourself physically and mentally. And the lessons we learn on our mats will undoubtedly translate to every area of our daily lives.
Let’s live together in our small successes by cultivating our perseverance. Eventually, these small steps will indeed lead to larger ones.